
What is LiveGame ?

The main thing that happens on a LiveGame is to get "natural stimulus" from the places and convert it in signals that will control an virtual environment. So you can play at real-time not just with other players but with the changes of natural conditions.

The idea of the game

The basic idea of the game is to make some actions in the environment that can be good actions or bad actions. The player will also be viewing the place conditions changing with the real state of the represented place at the moment.


  1. SESC Paulista


PD OSC Blender PHP?

Capture and process data in PD through many kind of sensors, convert to OSC and send to an OSC server that can share it real-time with Game Engines, instalations, performances and what ever you want, that reads, OSC/MiDi.
It's a propose for WIP (work in progress) that envolves both design, mapping, programming, hardware building and meetings.

Última alteração: 05/10/2007 às 18:48, por: habib